Misionero "Huellas"
Misionero "Huellas"
Misionero "Huellas"
The "Misioneros Sonrisas" Group was created by UPS students to provide academic support to teenagers in the "Cuba" and "Camal" neighborhoods located in the south of Guayaquil. The idea is to reinforce and teach youngsters so they can enhance their intellectual capabilities and improve their academic performance at school.
Reinforce and improve teenagers knowledge by strengthening their intellectual skills.
To be an organized group that works with children and teenagers and improve their academic performance.
Pastoral activities
Recreational activities for children and teenagers
Classes and Tutoring
- Name: John Alejandro Ávila Bailón
- Email: javila@ups.edu.ec
- Cell phone: 093 957 1119
- Tel. and extension: 2590630 ext.4430
- Name: Madelayne Fernanda Montúfar Reina
- Email: mmontufarr@est.ups.edu.ec
- Cell phone: 0968589240
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